This year, my main resolution is a little broader than that. My "priority" goal of 2011 is to be happy. I'm usually the type that gets bent out of shape as someone counts out the every penny at the cash register, even though there's 6 people waiting in line behind them. Or flies into a tizzy over stupid drivers... Or let little things, that will be forgotten about the next day, settle me into a "mood". (And, generally, not a good one.) So, 2011 will be my year to "not sweat the small stuff". People aren't perfect, myself very much included, so it's time I cut people some slack. The big things, I'm still going to rampage about. What can I say? I'm a red head with a short fuse! But you'll be safe as long as you don't do anything major... Like screw with me or any one of my family members.
Granted, the rest of my resolutions directly interlinked to my happiness. For example, the phrase "money doesn't buy happiness" is a load of crap in my world. Try being happy without it.... So, I need to kick sh!t into high gear to get myself employed. I've applied for jobs in this one horse town, but it's the wrong time of year for it... Once I am employed, it'll make things a whole lot better. I'm not materialistic by any means, but I'm turning 30 in September and its time I start thinking like an adult. I love my parents, but I don't want to live with them by any means. I don't want to pay rent either. I'd rather own my home than pay down someone else's mortgage. I'd also like to be able to afford to have a life rather than just supporting myself. Can't spend money if you don't have it. So, money doesn't buy happiness, but it makes options and life a whole lot easier!
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The Kindlifresser |
Being unemployed has helped with my quit smoking resolution. I had quit shortly before my 29th birthday... Life stress and my weak will power let me fall off the wagon. (I guess having a cigarette and killing myself a little smoking it was better than an assault charge though.) The same can be said about my junk food/fast food/Tim Horton's coffee issues as well. If you don't have the money, you've gotta make cuts some where... I just paid off credit cards and am not about to charge cigarettes or junk food. Being out in the sticks helps this as well... I'm not about to drive half an hour for a greasy Rotten Ronnie's burger and a pack of smokes.
No more junk food/fast food will help me in my weight loss resolution of the year. My goal is to lose about 40 pounds, which I know is do-able. To put that in perspective, I weighed 123 lbs when I graduated from high school. Four years later, when I moved to Edmonton I weighed over 210 lbs... (On a 5'5" frame, 210 lbs meant I was a little mozza ball.) In the seven years I lived in Edmonton, I managed to drop between 40 and 60 pounds. (My weight has always fluctuated.) If I can get down to about 125-135 lbs, I'll be a happy girl... No one wants to see a fatty in a bikini on the tropical beaches of the world. (No offense to my fellow chubs out there... I'm a chub-nic, too!)
To replace the things I'm trying to quit, I've got a few ideas how I'll fill the voids in my routine. I'll have a whole lot more free time to blog.... I've always been curious to trace and track my family tree and heritage. (I've managed to get back to my great-grandparents... That's where I've kind of stalled out though. With family members getting older, I'd better start before those family members are no longer with us.) I'll have free time to exercise and plot my "evil revenge" on unemployment. (Simply meaning I'm kicking things into high gear in the job search section of life... So don't read anything Terrorist-y into that statement.)
2011 will be my year to make things happen. By hook or by crook, I'm going to do everything in my power to make things happen in the way I want them too. I don't want to wake up when I'm 50 and realize my life has passed me by! I hope I'm not alone in my quest for Happiness, and I know I'm not alone in any of my resolutions.
It's not always about me; but I hope there is less of me that is more happy than 2010!
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