Tuesday 9 November 2010

Grow Ups Vs Grow Downs

You know what they say, It takes all types to make the world go round. Two of those "types" are people that need to grow up already! and the other would be people who need to "grow down". Both groups can be equally as challenging to deal with or entertaining depending on how you look at it.... Either way, where would the world be with out either set of people??

We've all met at least one person in our lives that we've sat back and wondered if they've had a single day of fun in their whole lives... "Why so serious?" People like this need to lighten up, have a beer, or smile - I guarantee it won't crack your face... These types of people just need to "Grow Down". Life is a serious game, no question there, but no one gets out alive... So relax and have a few laughs and enjoy life a little bit before you go!

I've been accused of needing to Grow Down a time or two... I know how hard it is to put on a happy face if your stressed out, worried about something, have a deadline, or life's just taken a big giant crap on your head... You don't exactly feel like laughing and having a good time... (Maybe that's more a sign of Depression than the need to grow down?) Having to "Grow Down" is just about as hard as growing up some times... You can get caught in a rut, and it's just easier to stay in the mode. Or there are people who are so focused, know exactly what they want from life, and may not slow down to enjoy the journey... They're more concerned with the destination....

Grow Downs can be challenging to deal with due to perceived tension... This could be due to the lack of joking around perhaps? The Grow Down being too serious, if you will. I've known a few Grow Downs in my day... I've seen the Grow Downs getting toyed with... It's been a variety of people not working as quickly, or in the direction, as the Grow Down would like... This has known to get the "Downs" flustered... Also have seen people trying to joke with the "Downs" and the jokes get them spun out of shape as well.

On the other hand, I'm sure it's more likely that we've all met someone that we've wanted to smack up side the head.... "Why can't you act like an adult for once?" These are the people some wonder about... Have they taken responsibility for their lives? Do they always act like kids? There is a fine line between people joking around or having fun, as opposed to someone who genuinely needs to understand what it means to be a grown up/adult. It's OK to be immature, joke around, and have fun... As long as your priorities are in the right order.

Believe it or not, I've also been accused of needing to Grow Up as well... I still have 90% of the stuffed animals ever given to me... I enjoy the occasional cartoon... I like cute little things... I'm 29 and not 100% sure what I want out of live... I have an idea, and I also know what I don't want. I know some 15 year olds that know exactly how they want their lives to play out... Does that mean they need to Grow Down? My bills, since I've lived in Edmonton at least, have always been paid... I've usually worked since being here, and have made it on time... (I'll admit, there were times that I called in sick because I was too hungover to go in, and yes - that part I needed to grow up about... I'm happy to report that I have...)

Grow Ups can be fun... But they usually are more frustrating... Ever had a friend who was a kid in an adult's body? They can be fun when you need to go blow off steam... They will show you a good time, don't get me wrong... That being said, ever had a roommate that needed to grow up? You know, the ones that their half the rent is never on time... They never clean up after themselves... Turn off a light/TV etc after myself? Are you foolin' me? Frustrating... Worse yet, ever know anyone that still lives in their parent's basement... And they aren't enrolled in any post secondary educational institution... That haven't just lost a job or gotten out of a crappy relationship/situation... Did I forget to mention they're 30+? Frustrating....

I hope most people are a happy medium of the two... They know when to be a Grown Up... They know when to be a Grown Down... There's nothing wrong with having fun, there's also nothing wrong with being serious... As long as you can find a balance between the two polar opposites.

It's not always about me; I'm a little bit country... I'm a little bit rock & roll...

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