For example of the generational question, my Dad - back in the day - had long hair... We're talking long, hippy down to his waist hair... And it drove my Gramps nuts... Why? Because Gramps couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind "Would do that to themselves!" Now a days, it's Dad's turn to question today's fashions. (Particularly the "Gangsta" way of wearing your boxers majority on the outside of your jeans, and your jeans almost falling off... I don't even get that but... That's not the point.)
Well, hair and clothes can be changed, cut, dyed or whatever needs to be done... This post is about a little more permanent "possession" of self expression... I'm talking Tattoos and Piercings. (A little T&P if you will.) Some don't enjoy Tattoos or Piercings, period... They figure if "God" wanted them to have either/or, they would've been born with them. Other's just plain don't like either, it's just a gut reaction. Fair enough, that's their right and choice. Others associate Tats or Piercings with Tribal/Cultural meanings... Others with Gangs and Jail. Others yet with Bikers, Hookers/Sluts, or Sailors. General riff-raff basically. Whatever their opinion, they are entitled to it. Doesn't make them right or wrong.
The other side of this proverbial coin, are the Tattoo and Piercing enthusiasts. There is a reasonable expectation, for those who choose, to have the ability of self expression through Tattoos or Piercings. I'm a little more towards this end of the pole. My brother has/had both his ears pierced and his nose and tongue at one point too. I remember when I was about 13-14 years old, I came home from school one day to my parents asking "How do you like our tattoos?" They were freshly done and looked fake, so I didn't believe them at first... Until weeks later when they still hadn't "washed off." Now Dad's got two and Mum's got 4. I, myself, am both Tattooed and Pierced.
I, currently, have four earrings in each ear (yes, grand total of 8) and have my nose pierced as well. My first piercing was in my ears at the age of 6. At one point I had my naval and tongue pierced too. My naval ring "migrated" out on it's own, and I had it removed as it was less than a pleasant experience. I'm a bit self conscious, and realize I'm a little pudgy... So I've never gotten it re-done... No one'd see it but me, and it hurt enough coming out the first time. My tongue ring lasted about 9 months. I played with it, for what seemed like every waking moment. I wore braces on my teeth for about a year and a half or so... I was worried that my teeth would go back crooked, or I'd wind up chipping a tooth... They were both fun at the time, but ultimately not for me. In the past, whenever I felt like I needed a little external pain... I got something pierced... It may strike you as a little bizarre, who wants pain - right? But I'm 100% perfectly honest with that statement. My piercing days are done though, I've had all the places I wanted pierced, pierced. If someone walks by with an eyebrow ring, or piercings not visible... That's their right, it's just not my bag.

My second tattoo is on my right shoulder and is a little smaller than the size of an average drink coaster. I was about 24-25 when I had it done, and it was done here in Edmonton at a place called Divine. It's a fairy/elf sitting on a crescent moon giving the thumbs up. He's got clouds that form a castle behind him and butterflies and stars surrounding him as well. The story behind this one is a little long... Basically, it represents family. (That's why the elf guy is giving the thumbs up, in remembrance of my Grandpa.) This one took about an hour and a half, closer to two hours... I had a friend with me and by the end, I wanted to punch him out... This one hurt a little more. (Still worth it though.)

I am no where near being done with my tattooing.... In fact I've got an idea of my 4th tattoo, which I hope to get within 6 months of being back in BC.... And as part of that idea, I want the "MR" situation remedied so I can be completely happy with all my "Body Art". That being said, there are certain places I won't have tattooed as a girl... Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to these kinds of tattoos, I just wouldn't have them done to me. Firstly, "Sleeves". ("Sleeves" are where you have your whole arm tattooed.) I know quite a few people, including women, who have a sleeve... Or one in progress at least. They look awesome when their finished. It's just not for me. Anything on the face or neck... It doesn't have to be a Mike Tyson face tattoo, or the back of the neck or anything... Again, on other people = awesome. Me = Lame. Finally on the "Not for Me" roster = arm tattoos period. I wouldn't get one on my wrist, even on the inside of my wrist... Or on my bicep like my Dad's... Or on my forearm... Call me sexist/caught in the past, but to me - it's more of a "Manly" place to get tattooed.... Just like some people are weirded out by men having "Tramp Stamps". (I AM NOT DISSING ANYONE WHO HAS TATTOOS THERE! My point is, they're just not places I would have tattooed.)
So whether you look at Tattoos and piercings as a form of art and self expression... Or if you see them more as self mutilation and "disgusting"... That's your torch to bear... Some do flaunt their tattoos and piercings... Even if they do, look the other way if you don't like it... No one's making you look, get one or pay for someone else's. All three of my tattoos are easily covered... All I have to do to hide my 8 earrings is to wear my hair down... And half the time, most people don't even notice my nose ring... Unless the light hits it just right, or I actually point it out. If all you have to worry about is someone's tattoo/piercing habit, I think you're sitting pretty in the world.
It's not always about me; go out and be creative! (Or at least practice being tolerant of other people!)
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