There have been times when I've wondered what parents have been smoking when they name their kids... What would possess them to name their kids what they do? I'm not talking about weird as in they've come from another country weird either. Mind you, I do enjoy an original name. For example, my boss' grandson's name.... Castle... Seriously, no word of a lie... Castle... I've got a friend with the cutest little boy... What's his name? Lethal.... And it gets better... Lethal Lee.. He's got a lil bro coming soon (I think He's being evicted today). Not sure what his names going to be. My Dad has a friend that goes by Skeeter, which is in fact a nick name. (I believe his "real" name is Dave, I always have to ask "Hey Dad, what's Skeeter's given name again?") My cousin had a baby in April, he and his wife named their son Silas. Now this is an original name that you don't hear very often.... Or do you? An acquaintance has a year old son named Cylis as well. (As you can see, different spelling but same name! From what I understand, the acquaintance got the name from the TV show "Weeds" and I know in the movie "Legion" there is also a character named Silas.)
That's all I've got personally... But if you want truly bizarre kids names, just Google Celebrity's kids' names... How would you like to pay for counselling for little Coco? (And I don't mean Conan O'Brien either.) How bought taking Banjo to soccer practice? Paging Moxie Crimefighter, Moxie Crimefighter to the principal's office please!!! My personal faves are Frank Zappa's kids... Dweezil, Moon Unit, Diva Muffin or Ahmet Emuukha Rodan <--- How do you even pronounce that? I wish I were joking but I'm not... Mind you, some of these people may laugh their asses off when they hear of 3 John's, 4 Joe's and 6 Jennifer's in the same class.
While some people have weird names, so do some Towns & Cities. Some places were named after the people that founded them, or by what's predominately around the City.... Other's will leave you just as confused though... I'm not sure of the history of any of these places, but they are real places. How's about a summer get-away to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump in Alberta? How do ya feel about relocating to Heart's Desire, Newfoundland? Do people who have a hard time conceiving move to Conception Bay? (Also in Newfoundland.) Send someone you really can't stand to Asbestos, Quebec... I've got family in Salmon Arm and I've been to Skookumchuk and Squamish, all three in BC. I've heard of Stoner... Guess which province that's in... (If you said anything other than BC, I'm so disappointed.)
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The kids' sign is written in German meaning "Please, not so fast" I got this picture from |
There are lists and lists of bizarre and original place names... Just Google Strange/Weird Place names. Parents are allowed to name their kids whatever they want, isn't that one of the perks of being a parent? I wouldn't want anyone to tell me what I had to name my kid! (That's probably why one lady's kid's birth certificate reads "GET THIS KID OUTTA ME" as his name... I'm sure he goes by Steve or something though.) If your searching for something original to name your kid(s) and just can't come up with anything, Google away, it's amazing what you can find and can be inspired by.
I may not have the most original name, but I don't have a common one either. Growing up, I had never met another Lauren. Also while growing up I hated my name, and because it wasn't common nor was it original. I'm used to it now, and don't mind it any more. I've had friends or family members named Laura, Lori/Laurie, Lorna, Lorene/Laureen and I've met a Laurel or two... And I've been called by these names at least once. (Sometimes it was by accident, other times it was purely to aggravate me.) I was named after Lauren Bacall, that's my name claim to fame. (She even changed hers to be Lauren on purpose!) 29 years later, I still haven't met another Lauren.
It's not always about me, but I found these amusing none the less.
you also forgot the late Michael Jackson who named his dang son Blanket. poor guy.
As for places. Sicamous (sick-a-moose) or Moose Jaw or even Vulcan Alberta.. durr people have no pride in the names they pick for their towns lol
Oh there are soooo many that I didn't list haha. Wasn't Blanket a nickname because he named both his sons the same thing? I dunno, either way Blanket's a weird one, I agree.
Oddly enough, today on MSN they have a list of 10 oddly named places... Only one overlapped, Dildo, Ontario hahaha =0)
I never asked my parents were they got my name from, but i know it is very common over there...but i go by my nickname a lot cause growing up i got bullied...i know hard to believe with a name like that, not that im not proud, i am, it just took a lot of getting use to with all the name calling
I let my family call me by that name and my co workers because thats my legal name anybody new, it would be my nickname
I dont even let my boyfriend call me by my legal name, aint that hilarious? lol
A lot of work places will go on myspace, facebook, twitter, and search you up and creep up on you to make sure you are a good employee for their job, i know some people that have gotten fired over fb, so i dont need anyone creeping up on me that arent my friends and family...workplace can be left at the workplace
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