Wednesday 6 October 2010

Western Wax On/Wax Off Torture

This past Saturday, I went to Marvel College here in Downtown Edmonton for the first time in about 3 months. I think I've found the best form of torture that Women could ever inflict on Men... Especially the hairy ones..... *Evil giggle and hand ringing.*

I usually get my eyebrows waxed every 4-6 weeks... That way I actually have two and don't look all Cavewoman.... And they aren't all bushy like Andy Rooney's eyebrows either.... Let's face it, I've already admitted I'm pretty lazy and couldn't be bothered to pluck the dang things... Besides, that's twice more torturous than waxing - you yank 1 hair at a time rather than all at once and you have to make sure they're even.... And the last time I attempted to pluck my eyebrows - I pretty well had none left because I couldn't get them even... So for all these reasons, I figured I'd go to Marvel College because the price is decent ($10.50 after tax) and it gives an Esthetics' Student a chance to practice on a live face. (The instructors are right there to make sure nothing goes awry and the salon is open to take clients on a Saturday as well.) (

Anyhow, as I was saying, I hadn't been anywhere to have the eyebrows waxed in about 3 months. I know I usually go pretty bright red when I get them done. This time, I went tomato red and it actually hurt. I guess my skin was out of practice to the abuse being that it'd been so long between visits. (If I keep my 4-6 week routine - No Pain.) I couldn't help but wonder how women get their armpits and legs waxed, this was excruciating enough for me.... Then I started to think about Brazilian waxes and decided there is no amount of money in this world that anyone could offer me to get one of those done... (A friend had one done and explained the process to me... NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!)

Then I can't help but think even further.... If women ruled the world and war broke out, could waxing men (or bikini waxing women for that matter) for information be considered torture and therefore a war crime? I know of a couple guys who have had their eyebrows waxed, and it's weird to see a guy with freshly waxed brows, even a male model. I realize that certain athletes (Swimmers/Body Builders etc) either shave or wax... Still weird... I know of some pretty Sasquatchy guys and I tell you what... I think they'd spill the beans with one carefully manicured eyebrow. (And that, my friends, is without so much as touching the rest of the hair on their body!)

It's not always about me, and when the Western Wax On/Wax Off Torture begins, I hope it stays that way!

1 comment:

MzV33 said...

I had a brazilian done...may be im weird but i like the i mean it HURT! but the women that did it was really good and professional she made me feel comfortable i would definately get it done again but 80 bucks for 8 minutes really aint worth it, who has this kinda money to get their cha cha waxed?

It is painful but everyone has a different experience, i went with my girlfriend we both got it done at the same time and i think she was just whining about it saying her husband never wants her to go thru that kinda pain again *gag* we are women, hundreds of us have done it without a problem, may be you quit your whining!

I think that you should go at least once and see how it is i mean like i said it aint for everyone but if you were to have it done and you LIKED IT!! you wouldnt have to shave for a few weeks :) and who doesnt want that neat and clean?