A few months ago, I got a book from the public library called Encyclopedia of Haunted Places by Jeff Belanger, as I was on a ghost story kick at the time. I noticed in the Table of Contents that there were three stories from Edmonton. Of course, I b-lined right for the local stories first, only to find an address that was familiar. It turned out that the building that used to make me a little rattled is, in fact, an abandoned "haunted" hospital, called the Charles Camsell Hospital. I googled the name shortly there after. I have found two accounts, other than the Encyclopedia of Haunted Places. Some facts seem to overlap, while others seem to be on opposite sides of the spectrum. I have summed up all three, you can decide which you believe.
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Charles Camsell Hospital As of October 17, 2010 |
The Encyclopedia of Haunted Places, after a Paranormal Investigation, gives history as:
In 1967, the Hospital was built only to close it's doors almost 30 years later, in 1996. A tuberculosis sanatorium, mainly taking care of aboriginal patients, was housed in the original part of the building in the 1950's. Some patients were forcibly brought to the hospital where some were also sterilized due to "defects". The sterilization was also done involuntarily, just as the hospitalization was.
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North and East side of the building |
The second floor was the surgical ward, according to the book, half the floor in one room is stained with blood. The fourth floor was the psychiatric wing, where it was said that shock treatments were forced upon patients, as well was isolation in special rooms. In 1982, a younger man fell to his death from the roof he was working to repair. The book states that the paranormal investigation performed yielded evidence of ghostly activity. An elevator in the morgue operates on it's own, voices and screams not belonging to anyone on the investigative team were recorded.
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglewood,_Edmonton , the hospital's story looks like this:
In 1946, the hospital opened and was named after Charles Camsell, a geologist and map-maker who explored Canada's North. The Charles Camsell Hospital was originally a hospital dedicated to those suffering from Tuberculosis. In the years between 1945 & 1967, the hospital was used for Occupational Therapy for Aboriginal Peoples. The Royal Museum, also in Edmonton, received over 400 pieces of arts and crafts in the early 1990's as donated by the Charles Camsell Hospital. Those 400 plus pieces were created by the patients in the Therapy program.
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South Side of the Building |
In 1996, the building was abandoned and condemned, reportedly due in part by asbestos. Over the past 14 years, the building has changed hands with the idea of development on the property. 2004's movie "White Coats" was filmed at the Charles Camsell. (I don't remember ever hearing of the movie, but Dan Akroyd, Dave Thomas - as in the MacKenzie Brothers from SCTV- and Dave Foley - of Kids In The Hall fame - starred in it.)
The history provided by http://www.suite101.com/content/urban-decay-in-alberta-a181516, seems a little more complete, while denouncing any haunting as factual:
In 1913, a Jesuit College for boys was originally built on the site. By 1942, the college was used by the American Army as a center for personnel and engineers working on the construction of the Alaska Highway. After the completion of the highway in 1944, the property was sold to the (Canadian) Federal Government. The site became the Edmonton Military Hospital, more structures were added and were interconnected with the main building through a series of corridors.
In 1945, the main building was turned into a tuberculosis hospital dedicated to the First Nations and Inuit community of Alberta, Yukon and NWT. This site acknowledges the report of a mass grave of Aboriginal children, the grave was the result of the experiments that they were subjected to at the hospital in the 22 years between 1945 & 1967. (From what I gather off this site, an investigation has not formally taken place.)
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Further away, still on the South Side of the Building |
This past weekend, I decided to check out the hospital as much as I could for myself. (Without getting in trouble, I guess there are hefty fines for those caught trespassing.) The day was bright and sunny, big blue sky with a few wispy white clouds, warm enough for just a sweatshirt. (So it wasn't dark and gloomy, cold and blustery by any means.) I didn't get the feeling like I was being watched like I had in the past, I just got the sad feeling that might be associated with the building. It could have been the fact that the place was boarded up and literally rusted and crumbling. Windows were broken - not sure if that was vandal's work like the graffiti or if it was due to past construction. (The broken window's were a few floors up, so it could go either way.) The old parking lot was dishevelled and over grown by weeds. There is a large, chain link fence around most of the decaying property. The fence looks like the kind construction crews rent when working on a site.
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The North view - The broken windows are a little more visible |
In it's seemingly short history, the Charles Camsell Hospital has a rumoured and tragic story to tell. Fourteen years after it closed it's doors, the hospital still stands alone and broken. I'm glad that I found out why the place seemed to stare at me those years ago - though I wish the abuse that reportedly happened there, hadn't happened at all. Which ever version of the Charles Camsell History you buy into, we'll never know for sure what really happened. It still is a decaying piece of history, no matter how you cut it.
It's not always about me... But I was creeped out for a while.......
This is the hospital I was born in in 1990! creepy!
I have been obsessed with the Charles Camsell Hospital for years. I actually run one of the groups on Facebook dedicated to the hospital where I have posted much of my research. People email me all the time to tell me their own accounts of what happened while working there. Some of them are definitely creepy stories. In fact, one of my aunts had even worked there as a nurse. Anyways, you should join the group if you like! Enjoyed your post.
Afternoon Anonymous # 1 - Creepy maybe but definatelly cool. I can't say I was born in a hospital with such history!
Glad you enjoyed the post Janet, I will definatelly track down your group on Facebook and join! That is all too cool! Definatelly cool that you have an Aunt that works there =0)
I found what you wrote interesting and feel the same way when I am by that hospital thank you for sharing the info that I was looking for
You are very welcome Steve =0) Glad you enjoyed the post!
Its actually funny my mom was actually in the hospital before it closed and she had the same feeling i do when me and my friends go there to actually see if we can make anything out through the windows. The paranormal has always been an intrest of mine lol.
Hey I'm just wondering if anyone of you know how can i get it the hospital?
the hospital is creepy and terrifying, go in thrre yo get your adrenalime pumped up ;) but be prepared
I can feel the desperation trying to evacuate through the doors as lost souls search for the other side . They are lost .
I went to St.Andrews school which is right accross from that hospital. I walked right by it twice a day for 6 years and was never bothered by it...but it was still open then. I visited patients there as well. Glad I didn't hear or see anything!! Creepy!!
Just as a warning for people who are wanting to go "check it out", the local residents are really aware (and tired) of people trespassing and going into the hospital and will call the cops on you STAT if you try to set foot. I walked around it one night and all the residents on the streets were peering out their windows at me. Not to mention, sometimes they have security dogs on the premise. It's definitely creepy, and I wish I had the gall to ignore the warnings and just go in for myself!
You bet, I used to work for the Security company that does patrols there. (again, another coincidence). They do use dogs and every night shift I worked, there was usually at LEAST one call from a resident of the area. (usually a follow up as well to say, hey! those people took off when your people showed, now they're back!)
Where is the hospital located?
12804-114 Ave, Edmonton AB is the actual physical address =0)
Yes this building has a profound and long history. No doubt it has witnessed every aspect of human life. My father died in this hospital in 1992 at the age of 83. My sister worked at the Charles Camsell for several years as did many of my colleges. The Westmount area was my community as a young person...it has a special energy to me. Not sure why the redevelopment of this site is taking so long. This is a core area of Edmonton. It should be honored and elevated back to a vibrant community.
I have gotten in, this weekend my older brother and friends had the brilliant idea of checking it out.. We got in. Its not pretty.. We clearly had flashlights, we walked around. Until there was a hand print in blood smeared on a door, walked a little further til there was blood in one room all over the place dried up and lots of bugs. Its scarey, I have nightmares about it sometimes. Don't go in there. No creepy noises or anything just not things you want to see.
I had a summer job at this hospital in 1990 when I was 22. It was in the purchasing department but I also got to assist downstairs in the printing area.
I didn't know any history about the hospital but I always had an uneasy sense when at the property just didn't know what it was.
Something compelled me to research the hospital this morning - I didn't even know it was condemned.
I recently learned I was born in this ghosltyl place.. thank you for you story Lauren. Its difficult to not want to know more about it, haunted or not its still got a shady and tragic past.
I was actually born there ! I was born in 1993. I've heard many stories I'm super interested in this building.
My Grandpa,Dad And My Aunty Said They were born in this hospital and they are Native And im too And they also told me this hospital is abandoned and haunted....
I am curious who owns the property and why nothing is being done with it. Is there a concern of asbestos in the building? Why not knock it down and re-develope the area for housing ?
My two brothers and I were born there. (1974, 1977, 1979) I used to go to that hospital alll the time when I was younger, as I lived near by and went to St. Andrews School across the street. Was even around at the time Small Sacrifices was filmed there :). As a kid I would venture all around that hospital, especially when my parents were visiting family in the hospital. It wasn't creepy then, although it was an ugly hospital. Sad to see it in such a mess :(
I am actually working on a video right now. Me, my girlfriend and 2 other people that i met on a facebook group went inn. We have read a lot about the history of this building it is very interesting although there is many sad souls still stuck in that structure. We have not in countered any visible presence but we have heard some noises sounding like female whispers(may have been the birds) While editing the footage i will look closer for any sign of apparition/orbs or any of the sort. The 4th floor had black painted crosses everywhere and all of the stairways had dead birds. i though i would have been more scared then i was, it was kind of peaceful most of the time. Awesome blog i will let you know when i am done editing this short video
How can you get in without getting caught?
My mother was a nurse on the 7th floor there from 1980-86. I was also a long term patient there in the 1980's. I was told by friends that many native people referred to it as "Charlie's House". The occupational therapy area was huge and kept me "occupied" during my lengthy stays. There was a huge portrait of Charles Camsell by the main floor elevators. My memories of the place are fond ones. Certainly better than the royal Alexandra Hospital in it's day.
hi i am onley 11 and my friends locked me in there with no food i was soo scared i have witniss some parnormal activity if any of you want to know about the experance call me about it at 780-247 7746
please help
I was at an antique show this afternoon and purchased a soapstone owl that was carved by one of the Aboriginal patients while it was a sanitorium for TB patients. It's a nice piece of local history to have:I hope the artist recovered.
Don't try to get into the Camsell: the fences and security are there for a good reason. Paranormal activity aside, it is dangerous, delapidated and rife with asbestos. That's why it hasn't been demolished or reclaimed--the expense of taking the Camsell down is prohibitive because of the precautions they'll need to take to contain the asbestos.
And the blood stains on the walls are left over from the movies that were filmed there. The people in charge of decommissioning the hospital would never allow biohazards like bloodstains to remain.
Hello Everyone,
I'm a Calgary art writer wanting to locate images of the inside of the Camsell prior to interior gutting by architect. (cell phone pictures, all photos, newspaper and magazine pages, etc. etc.).
TIPS? ( EMAIL: eherbert@ucalgary.ca)
Hi Janet
I would like to join your discussion group about the C.Camsell hospital. I'm not on Facebook. I'm a U. of Calgary instructor interested in creating a project about this building. my email address is: eherbert@ucalgary.ca
I use to go there when I was a kid and watch movies and get popcorn. It was open to the public. I thought it was spooky - but neat
I use to go their when I was a kid on Friday night and watch movies and get popcorn. It was open to the public - kid of neat but it was spooky!
My children were born there. My sisters child was born there.
I can remember one evening, the eve of my childs birth after all visitors left (8:00pm). Curtains were closed between the patients and lights gone out. I distinctively remember not being able to sleep. It felt really uneasy as I was laying there.
Like I wasn't alone. As strange as it sounds considering other beds were full in my room with patients...it was a different kind of acknowledgement of a different kind of presents. I had sworn someone was walking in and around the room. But no one was there and all was quiet.
Till this day I wonder.
Hello everyone,
I have been inside the Charles Camsell 3 times in the past few months. The last time I went in was at the end of April- and since then there has been trucks (possibly construction company?) and K9 security trucks on patrol every night. Looks like I was one of the last people to go in there. It is creepy inside, very eerie. Though I have no stories of anything paranormal. I have a few photos if anyone would like to see!
Seams that I have news for all of you! In 1989 Movie "Small sacrifices" with Farrah Fawcett was also shot on the Charles Camsell Hospital location. Since the movie is creepy itself it tells the story of mother shooting her own kids to get to married man, it is true story and a trgic one.After all I don't plan to visit that building
I went there today aroun10:30 ishpm me and my boyfriend sat on the south side staring looking. I saw a shadow on the 5th floor strted freaking out (btwlooked ikeaguy who worked there went in the gaates with his truck)
after me and my boyfriend wer looking for the shadow again we heard banging noises and i some what felt vibrations it took a little while for me to want to admit that the truck was moving!! Those baning noisesand vibration wrre coming from us !! We looked beside us at the fence (away from hospital) we were moving back and forth and thats when i said lest get the fuck out of here !! He took two picture before we left we saw a head in one and a body in the other almost like it wa following us... I cant sleep and im spooked cant stop researching it
I was also born in this hospital in 1990... My mom used to tell me really crazy stories about her time spent here...
I was born there in 1990!! My mom said she never felt scared there, but a guy she works with used to work security there, and the place scared the heck out of him. He said the intercom used to come on in the middle of the night and they would hear breathing over it, even though there was no power to the building. Apparently the wheelchairs move on their own too!
This is very interesting. I used to live in Edmonton in early 1990's. There is a cemetery in St. Albert behind the old residential school with a memorial stone placque commemorating the people from the NWT and the Yukon who never made it back to their homes after their stay at the Charles Camsel Hospital. This monument was put there by the nurses of the Charles Camsel Hospital. I thought that was very compassionate and also very tragic for the people and families who never knew where their family members were buried and what happened to them. I am a residential school survivor from Northern Ontario and have offered prayers and good thoughts for the people and their families who are commemorated there.
This is so interesting and creepy!!! Am I dumb or did you get inside? I know you wrote this in 2010.. I am wondering if it is still there!
As far as I'm aware the building still stands (unless someone can correct me on that.) Didn't manage to get inside but would absolutely love to!
Hi Lauren I went into Charles Camsell Hospital as a five years old sick and I was in bed for a long time, a lovely native woman visiting me and both of us were chatting becuse she looked so much alike of my mother and I looked my mother came to visit me in a blink of eyes, the lloovveely native woman was gone then i looked very confused asking my mother u stand right beside me?? she laughed and said no.. many years later I graduated at Alberta School for the Deaf and I wanted to be with my mother to get know more of her and family history in Up North, she showed me pictures of her late mother, wow I puzzled and asked her if I had met her before? she responded " she died before you were born" and another few more years later she told me my late grandmother died in Charles Camsell Hospital in 1970 or 1971.. that explains that my mother and my late grandmother are so perfect same head to toes along with beautiful smile.. I remember so clearly that when my late grandmother was beside me by bed she had lots of warmth just like sunshine and so loving conversations. I live nearby CCH and every time I pass I always remember her visiting wow..
Hi Lauren I went into CCH as a five years old girl and ended up in bed for a while, a LOVELY native woman was appeared like the Light all over her and I chatted with her because she looked alike my mother, in a blink of eye I saw my mother came in to visit me and I turned to my right side of bed the Lovely Native woman was gone! I asked my mother you stood by my side? she said no and laughed but puzzled.. when I graduated at Alberta School for the Deaf, I decided to go Up North to get know more of my mother and family history, one evening she showed me pictures of her late mother, I was so shocked because both of them are the perfect same from head to toes especially smiles I asked her if I met her before? she said no and another more years later, she told me my late grandmother died in Charles Camsell Hospital in 1970.. I was in CCH 1980's.. I cherish my memory with my late grandmother in spirit with warmth just like sunshine through me with SO MUCH love.. my teens know this story they can't stop looking at CCH when they were in elementary school before school start and after school..
I'm working in that building right now doing asbertos removal, yeah you're right, it is pretty damn creppy in there, but I haven't seen or heard anything strange yet, no weird happenings or anything, but if I do experience something paranormal I'll let you know!
Yes i drive bye this Hospital almost every night multiple times,and currently it seems as though patrol officers or workers are there all the time. But the Alberta Government was going to convert it to an old age Home which i think would of been a very good idea(minus the Asbestos problem)the area is peaceful. As for ghosts i think there are good spirits lingering around there,i feel a sense of tranquility in Life,Calmness,& circular completion when i am close to it.also (My MoM had a life Saving operation There) i have a heightened sixth sense for this kinda stuff.
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate way to ask, but I am a student at the University of Alberta. In one of my courses I have been assigned a project to collect original data on a chosen topic. I have chosen the Charles Camsell Hospital, I would be deeply appreciative of anyone who would like to talk to me about their experiences and stories of the hospital.
Sorry, if this wrong to solicite your blog like this but I am having trouble finding respondents.
If you would like to please contact me via my email at darragh@ualberta.ca or darragh8864@gmail.com. Thank you very much.
Such a good read, thanks for posting this article! I was born there in 1981. I have always wanted to explore this place, (but with my career, a tresspassing charge if caught by security or what not can hurt my credibility at work) so i'm not really one for trying to sneak in. I have noticed a lot of recent responses on this article and have a question for any one out there. I am looking to legitimately get on the site a take some photos of the hospital. mostly outside and up close. I would also hope to take some inside if possible too. As part of my job, i have all necessary protective equipment for hazardous materials, and asbestos. The photos i hope to take will only be for personal use and i am willing to sign various sorts of waivers as well. If ANYONE could help me out with this project, please e-mail me. My name is Steve, and my e-mail is boom_beotch@hotmail.com. I appreciate any info on this matter, and thank you again for posting this Lauren!
Part of "Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed" (2004) was also filmed at Charles Camsell. My friend was a sound tech and would never admit to being creeped out but he said setting up alone at 4 am in that location was creepy. He said he always felt like someone was behind him or looking over his shoulder. Sometimes there would be footsteps or voices down the hallways. I have heard stories of the building being haunted, it was strange to hear it first hand.
It does have a sad history but it is interesting to hear the paranormal stories.
My sisters dad went to the psychiactric rehabilitation ward part of this hospital when it was open, and I think my mom mentioned something about my cousin passing away there when he was born. It's very interesting to hear stories of this place. I have had a group of friends go into the hospital after it was abandoned and seen ghosts and all electronic devices they had died and every flashlight except the wind up ones they brought all died with brand new batteries. In the pictures they took, you can see white orbs floating around it's really creepy I wish I had some to post on here!
Hello my daughter was born there in 1991 back then it was a great hospital but I knew it was haunted cause just before I went in to labor I heard a woman screaming down the hallway and the nurse told me it was just the meds that was making me halusinate and then that same day after I had my daughter my mom was leaving to catch the bus to go home and the bus stop is in front of the hospital and she said she seen me wave to her at the bus stop so she waved back but the problem with that is I could not get out of bed when she left and I was in a private room by myself so it wasn t me waving she said come to think of it it look like a older native lady, and no it was not a nurse cause all the nurses were doing shift chain at the time. And yes this hospital is still standing as we speak today my other daughter lives down the block from there and she says every day she walks by there she gets creepy vibes
Is it easy to get into i would like to go check it out. I think it would be intresting to see what if i can have my own experience
I was one of the last people to ever occupy this hospital for surgery. I remember them wheelng filing carts amd empty beds passed my room door. It seemed a very sad building, especially being so empty at the time. I truly believe there is still energy there, and I am fascinated by it;s history,
you should show us your pics....
I went to the hospital this evening with my buddy. We didn't see any security guards, but the lights were on inside the hospital and in the trailer. there's a lot of graffiti inside and a lot of asbestos bags lying around. Oher than that it is pretty empty inside.
Iv been there a few years back everything was still there equiptment wise we only had an ipod and cell phone for loght it was like 2 am a little creepy but i wouldnt say haunted
Fascinating ..
I moved to Edmonton a year and a half ago .. Then, in June (2013) I moved downtown and had to change bus routes which caused me to ride by this place everyday on the way home .. The first time I went by I felt such an incredible sense that I had to go inside, I actually spend a lot of the summer getting off my one bus early so I could walk by this place on the way to the #5 .. Every time I walk by (not as much now that it's cold and snowy) I have an unreasonable sense that I need to go inside it .. Even yesterday, bussing home from work, I wanted to get off at the short transit-only strip .. Glad to know I'm not the only person drawn to this place, even though I don't know why I am :)
Hey there im a parinormal reasercher id love to get in there how do I do it witg out getting caught
Hi, we are fairly new to AB (8 months) came here from NB, My husband starts working at the Charles Camsell Hospital tomorrow, after reading all your stories we are super fascinated in the place we both are believers in the paranormal .
I used to go by that hospital all the time, when I worked at the Safeway in Westmount Mall, just a few blocks away. I also had an eardrum operation there, back in 1990, when I was 5.
Here's some pics of the exterior AND interior of the building that some intrepid person took:
I hope someday that hospital is finally torn down, so the land can be redeveloped. It's such an eyesore now.
I was born here march 1989, my mother said that the entire place had an over barring sense of negitivity. Even tho labor an delivery, children wards and phyc floor were all up beat an vibrant in looks. Every single mother had an encounter while in that ward....
my mothers encounter was harsh, i guess during that time sum1 from the phyc who was high risk actually ran away to labour & delivery ward claiming he was sent and helped by mantoo to kill a new born evil... She also was woke by baby cries she thought were me, an even said other mothers either suffered bad post partum depression that they either killed their own babies an or them selfs...
the person was captured an " killed himself" b4 my mum was released, an she refused to go back for ne of my brother or sisters.....
honestly i thought she was just lying or it was her own trip, i guess even after we left i was still too much for her, an she still heard things had dreams an still kept seeing things while i was just new born...
i was wondering if ne1 else born the same year an month had simular occurrences
I was born here march 1989, my mother said that the entire place had an over barring sense of negitivity. Even tho labor an delivery, children wards and phyc floor were all up beat an vibrant in looks. Every single mother had an encounter while in that ward....
my mothers encounter was harsh, i guess during that time sum1 from the phyc who was high risk actually ran away to labour & delivery ward claiming he was sent and helped by mantoo to kill a new born evil... She also was woke by baby cries she thought were me, an even said other mothers either suffered bad post partum depression that they either killed their own babies an or them selfs...
the person was captured an " killed himself" b4 my mum was released, an she refused to go back for ne of my brother or sisters.....
honestly i thought she was just lying or it was her own trip, i guess even after we left i was still too much for her, an she still heard things had dreams an still kept seeing things while i was just new born...
i was wondering if ne1 else born the same year an month had simular occurrences
I was born in this hospital in 1969 and my oldest son was admitted with a lung infection in 1989. Most of my memories of the Camsell are actually fond memories, but as a First Nation's person myself, almost everyone I knew went there before any other hospital. When I drive by the hospital now I get an almost overwhelming sense of sadness, perhaps from the people of the more northern nations who came to get treated but never got to go home,
well done, and good for you on being curious.....keep the past alive!
Actually, the Farrah Fawcett movie was about a women harming her own kids for attention, like Munchausens. My son was born in this hospital in 1989 and my Mom and I routine patients there for several health problems. We never had a problem being there thank God!
The hospital caught fire today and my husband emailed CTV news to tell them. We've lived in the neighbourhood for 8 years and wish redevelopment would hasten. It's the kind of building you hope the fire trucks get lost getting there. Not sure about today's damage but it is still standing, unfortunately.
Thank you very much for this article, it was very informative. I have had an interest in the Charles Camsell Hospital for years, ever since I had first heard it might be haunted. The following story is real, and while there might be explanations for whatever we experienced, I know what I felt.
I went into the hospital with a few friends around 2005 or 2006, the fence was very flimsy and easy to climb over. It was still daylight, but starting to darken as it was late in the day, I believe in the fall, though I can't quite remember. Not winter, though. We quickly climbed the fence on the north side and ran to the hospital, where we had earlier noticed a broken window on the ground floor. Climbing in through this window, it took us to a floor that was actually below ground, with blood covering the lino of the room we entered, most likely from whoever had broken the window initially.
We had been wanting to check the hospital out for weeks, yet when we finally ended up doing it we were very unprepared. All we had was a camera with a flash and our phones for light, so we knew we probably wouldn't get very far. On the basement floor we found a few rooms that were full of old water therapy tanks, and one very old-fashioned surgery room with a stained and tattered gurney, and was the only room we entered that had a light on. We were in that room for only a few seconds before we all started to feel uncomfortable. We left it quickly, and moved to a wider room that had a chalkboard with some very troubling words, quotes, and pictures, as well as graffiti all over the walls. There was a set of stairs here but it was blocked by debris, so we would have had to go down a long dark hallway to reach the other set of stairs.
We decided instead to move through the rooms that had windows and connecting doors, so we didn't have to go down the dark hallway. We eventually entered a room that had a wall full of incubators (I use that term because I assume that's what they were, but don't know for sure), some of them with lights on inside and one that was flickering with its glass door open, which was very creepy.
This room had two doors, the one we had entered from the room previous, and one that stood ajar and led into the black hallway that we knew was very close to the stairs. It was at that point we looked at each other, and one of my friends asked if we really wanted to go further.
We had all had uneasy feelings after that surgery room, and the various lit incubators wasn't helping that feeling. A few seconds after my friend asked if we should go further, what sounded like a scream raced down the dark hallway, starting soft and getting impossibly loud as it moved past the open door, which moved slightly as the sound passed.
My friends and I looked at each other, almost trying to clarify with each other that we had heard the sound, when it happened again past the open door, which again moved slightly.
That was pretty much it for us, and we headed back through the rooms quickly, snapping pictures with the camera flash as we went to help us see, now that the day was starting to fade. We had a number of rooms to walk through still, and with each camera flash to guide us we got more and more freaked out as we would see everything ahead of us at once and then dark again. We got back to the room with the bloody floor and climbed out of the building.
We took one last picture looking up at the building, and we each felt like we were being watched. I can say without a doubt that I didn't feel like I was being watched, but knew that I was. When we got home that night we looked at the pictures, and while the ones from inside showed nothing except for a few weird shimmers here and there and possible orbs (which could have easily been dust kicked up by our feet), the last picture we took chilled us to the bone.
Clear as day, we saw a shadowed figure of what we all agreed looked like a little girl staring down at us from the third floor window, which we had assumed to be the psych ward, though we received conflicting info when researching. I unfortunately don't have the picture anymore as the hard drive it was on was damaged, but my experience in the Charles Camsell Hospital is one I will never forget.
Just wanted to share my story of this incredibly interesting hospital, for any of those who want to enter and can't now that the construction company and security are there more often.
Did I see definitive proof of anything supernatural? No. But I know what I felt and heard, as do my friends, though we rarely talk about the experience anymore.
My son was born at this hospital in august 1991....I liked it there better than the royal alex, much smaller and I felt it had better service than The Royal Alexander. I really felt nothing negative there...
I lived across from the Charles Camsell from 1958 to 1964, but on 127th street. At that time we lived in old army barracks which were built like an apartment building. It had 8 apartments in it. The nurses and doctors' housing was right across the street and the hospital behind and to the left of that. It always made me sad that they segregated the aboriginal community there, although my dad, who had tuberculosis, did a small stint in there. It always seemed a sad place, not haunted. Just so many souls so far from home and traditions.
Has anyone ever actually gone in there and or witnessed any ghostly activity?
My first child was born here in 1988, and sometimes when I was admitted due to my severe asthmatic condition I did feel that there were some eiry things in this hospital. What's real creepy is there used to be a nurse by the name of Doreen Chipchar who treated me many times, people used to comment on the resemblance of her, my mother Rita Trudzik and myself had. My mother never mentioned that I had 3 half siters. In 1997 I found that indeed this nurse that treated me in emergency was my half sister. But certainly there were some creepy things that did occur whilst I was in this hospital.
I can be on the bus in the dark of night and I Know when I'm getting close to the hospital because I can feel the pain and anger that Still resides there and as for the rumor of the mass grave in the old nurses garden...It's there.
The hospital should be leveled to the ground and a memorial cemetery and public park be put in it's place with information boards telling the history of the site and it's connection with the mistreatment of the native people who were forced "treatment" and died within it's walls.
My story didnt post
Try Again and I will see that your story is posted :)
Can anyone tell me what all the knitted ''wings'' ''hearts'' are for on the fence?
Been fascinating and sad to read al;l these posts. But lots of folk sharing their past history. Hope it helps them find some peace by sharing their stories.
Marilyn from England.
I want to go take pictures of the inside! That sounds horrible but I am really curious!
My names Miranda and I've always been drawn to the Charles Camsell Hospital. And would love to go in and try connect with the spirits that reside there.I have a picture that was taken during the summer time and in he photo you can see a woman in the window kinda creepy. But id like to go in as soon as possible just dont want to go alone so anyone want to join me can feel free to email me @ mirandawillier@hotmail.com
id like to have a camera and recorder aswell.
I stayed in the children's ward at the hospital when I was around 3yrs to 5yrs old. I was in and out for most of 2 years and I had many friends I played with at the hospital who seemed to be there when I was there and it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized that maybe some of those friends were spirits who might have lingered there ....kinda creepy. It was a very lonely place.
I've been in there and it's very creepy
Apparently they closed it off also because of homeless people sleeping there or something
Its supposed to be torn down , they started and now nothing for over a year now ...why ?
You move really fast...
I am interested in getting into the hospital to film and capture some of the paranormal phenomena that seems to be happening there. If anyone has any stories, hints, suggestions, or advice, please email me at gabes.masch@gmail.com. Please respond soon, I'd like to visit while the building is still relatively safe to be inside. Thanks
I went to go see this hospital with my sister earlier today, and we immediately got headaches. My leg all of a sudden started to twitch, quite vigorously.
My sister stopped by this information stand so I could get out and look at it, right? There was a picture of a man that was a patient at the hospital, which I was looking at for quite a bit. Experimenting, I stepped a bit closer to the hospital, and my headache got stronger, which I found odd.
After I got into the truck again, I started hearing.. Screaming. Faint, male screaming.
The interesting thing, is that there were signs that had gravel caked onto them. After I saw one of them, I sat there puzzled for a minute. Literally out of nowhere, a police car appeared.
It sounded it's siren and pulled us over. He gave us a ticket for driving in a bike lane. But the thing is, is that he had a huge gash upon his forehead. That set me off a little bit, as he also was not there previously when we pulled in to the road. I volunteered to pay the fine, but my sister refused.
Why were the signs, a few metres off the ground, caked in.. Gravel? And where did the police car come from?
Our disoriented feelings stayed with us for a good hour afterwards. It was still a pretty interesting trip, aside the eerie screaming and the fine. I still feel awful for those poor hospitalized patients though. May they rest in peace..
I was born there in August 1989. I'm gonna ask my mom what kind of experience she had while she was there.
I'm working with contractors inside this hospital and there have been absolutely no strange occurrences since we arrived on site. Most of the interior walls have been removed and power to the building has been shut off for years. The only sounds we have heard are the mass amounts of pigeons. That's all. No headaches, no weird stomach feelings, no strange sounds. Nothing. Just another old abandoned building with a colorful past. Thats it!!!
I have a friend you used to be a nurse there and he did tell me few creepy stories about it yet not of paranormal nature. I guess it is old place with rich history. I hope something is done to the place or it is all redeveloped.
Interesting. I would think most hospitals even still operating might have some ghosts in it. One of my friends working at Vancouver General swears there is a ghost there, lights flicker and they say "Michael behave" and it stops. I am yet to see any paranormal activity anywhere. I must not be sensitive I guess.
This one time me and my friends went to the hospital and brought a ouiji board. 3 of us are now dead
there used to be a playground there, i used to go get band aides from the nurses there, and they were very nice. one of your said that the power was cut off. i was driving near there last yr and there where lights on and yes something feels not right, i saw a person in a window, the feeling of sad and worry, and lots of pain
I had 2 family members who were patients there and there was nothing out of the ordinary happening. Funny how the imagination runs, isn't it? I was also an actor in White Coats shot there after it had closed. There were no u usual events. The place is run down and should be demolished. No doubt many people died there from illnesses...especially TB. Think about it....every hospital has deaths.
I have heard a story that there is a mass grave there ...residential children and unwanted are amongst the dead there ...I believe if the grounds and buildings were to be destroyed or have major construction there ...answers to these hauntings and in justices will be unearthed and laid to rest ....its questionable and should be investigated .why is it still standing is there truth to some of the horrible stories coming from this place ????????
I have wanted to go in that hospital for years since hearing all the stories from friends and online about the weird stuff that people say happens and I'm skeptical of the existence of ghost or spirits or paranormal activity or what ever you wanna call it existing if something odd happens and freaks me out I always think back on it and assume it was someone hiding in the dark or old building pipes or floor boards making the noise something I know is 100% real. One of my friends who had a scary experience in the hospital one night after midnight refuses to come with me and told me of some rumour about spirits being most active at 330 am so I am planning to visit the hospital myself at 3-315 and check out basement to the top floor with a camera on night vision mode but I can't figure out what's the best type of light to use myself so I can make my way around safely and not be to visible from the outside? I'm set on doing this before building is demolished and I regret it forever but I need to see for myself if spirits or whatever actually exist and hauntings that we hear about are based on real experience and not faked or just peoples over active imaginations if anyone has any suggestions on gear I should bring I'd appreciate any input.
My brother was doing the building clean up with his janitorial company for the Dan akroyd movie back in 2004. I helped him do the cleaning. At the time there was security onsite 24-7. I can tell you for a fact that the blood in there is not from the movies...I was cleaning a floor alone when the lights went out on me. I followed a noise of someone walking to what appeared to be a surgical room and the sink was covered in blood.
Oddly enough, the building owners asked us not to clean the blood. We were instructed to only clean the main floors and areas where filming would take place. Any of you who go in, morgue is downstairs, feel free to weigh yourself in the basement and basement has sealed off areas. Abandoned hospital beds and equipment remain. I never knew this place was haunted until recently which explains it all now. Top floor nobody can get into, even security at the time had no access to there. Apparently it's the doctors penthouse up there.
A few of my hubby's coworkers broke into the second floor last week. They did indeed experience an entity that slammed a door on them. Say a prayer before you go there and if something happens please prey.
The part where it goes underground walk along the top and there a part when you can get on a little roof and there's a broken window you can climb in
Hospital stills stands today.
Really interesting stories that have been shared - Mahsi cho
I was born at this hospital Devils Night 1966... now I am somewhat creeped out ;)
All comments no photos hmm
Yeah i went yesterday and there was a loud ass groan from the underground entrance and then a metal window got hit rapidly and then lights were flashing like no
My sister and I scoped it out last night. We watched the outside for about an hour and didn't see any security or dogs etc. It doesn't appear that there is an easy way inside though. We'll be going back during the day so we can look for security cameras. Planning to infiltrate before the snow falls.
What is your group called
I went there and the scariest part was us just being prepared to be scared. Nothing exciting happened just an empty building with rubble everywhere pretty boring if you decide to go now. And also to get in the building is a mission
ive read alot about this. i really want to go in i have had expirences with other places but this place looks spooky!! ill try go in soon as i can i want to video tape it when i do..
i was born here in 1983 september 28th. i moved to ontario for 30 years, i did not know surely what hospital i was born in, my biolgical father told me i was born at royal alexandra, as he was such a drunk he did not realize i was born at the charles camsell hospital,, my mother told me this morning,,, turns out after i googled the name of the hospital i was born in, it is the exact same hospital i live directly across the street from 30 years later... i see it when i wake up for the past year out my window, i walk by i drive by numerous tiems daily and have for ayear, so to find out this morning this is where i was born, and looking into all the information about it, this is pretty intense to say the least....
Umm... What kind of asbestos was in there? I went in there with a couple friends 7 years ago for about an hour and I'm really concerned about the exposure to asbestos now....
I wish the City would just blow it up already and redevelope the land.
I was just there ladt night arlund 3 am ! There was a board slamming shut, then suddenly dtopped. I saw a white demon like figure leaning out the big window the once facing the houses, it was watching me/hunting me then it proceeded like it was gonna fly through me, well i felt a push on my body and turned tail and ran! Scary experience! Ive been in there 3 times, one time i made it into all floors and the roof but never the mourgue, as it is blocked off, ive heard a child sing to a baby and it followed me from the 4th to 1st floor. Theres bloody handprints on 4th floor, ive seen a tall native mans floating head. One stairwell is colapsed, its completly gutted! Its terrifying in there! Theres spirits, that look out the windows all the time, there is something evil there and it will hurt you!!!!
There was a demon there..... Terrifying!
I grew up in Edmonton and had no idea this hospital was so weird, creepy and heartbreaking. Thanks for the detailed article.
I went in it twice its creepy cause there are so many pigeons there are ways to get in without anyone seeing also the view from the roof is amazing a must see if you need a rush
I actually have a paranormal story to tell about this place. Maybe a year ago my cousins desided to check the building out. Of course when they got there they got a creepy feeling since it was dark out. Being rebelious people they found a way in and also brought a ouiji board with them. They explored the building and looked for things that could've proven these things happened there. The building is actually quite broken inside. There is large holes in the ground that you could easily fall through and die or get injured. There was no blood though. Some floors they didn't access also. They started to play with the ouiji board they brought. One of my cousins started to record with her phone to pick up anything unusual. They were supposedly playing with one of my cousins grandmothers. But it said she had blue eyes which immediately was wrong. They started to hear noice like high heels and sirens. They thought that someone may have broken in but no one was around. The phone picked up every thing. My cousin still has the recording to this day
the movie was called (in canada). intern academy (aka white coats)
the movie white coats was also called. intern academy.
also. farah fawcet fillmed small sacrifices there and the u of a law building. among other locations
Is there still security there and has anyone been inside recently? I would like to do some exploring
Me and my bestfriend just moved to edmonton like 4 months ago and live like right down the road from the Charles Camsell hospital , since day 1 of seeing this building i have wanted to get inside. Well we tried at like 1 this morning , for like an hour and a half we were trying to find a way in , heard some sounds from the inside but nothing that seemed to spooky. But that all got interupted by the fckin security shining his light at us so we left . But never got inside sadly. Does anyone know how to get inside now days without having to use a ladder? I dont care if its legal , i just REALLLLLLY want to get inside and see what its like in there.
Me and my bestfriend just moved to edmonton like 4 months ago and live like right down the road from the Charles Camsell hospital , since day 1 of seeing this building i have wanted to get inside. Well we tried at like 1 this morning , for like an hour and a half we were trying to find a way in , heard some sounds from the inside but nothing that seemed to spooky. But that all got interupted by the fckin security shining his light at us so we left . But never got inside sadly. Does anyone know how to get inside now days without having to use a ladder? I dont care if its legal , i just REALLLLLLY want to get inside and see what its like in there.
Hey, nice post! I've followed info on the Camsell since I moved in on the 114 Ave/127 St corner a coup,e of years ago. Caertainly has always had a creepy look to the exterior - but most abandoned buildings do. The history you've discussed here is interesting, and I've heard some of the more unpleasant stories around its First Nations connections from TRC testimonies. The history pillar on 127 St at the north (115 Ave) end some of that history, though it's very much the "it was all good to wonderful" interpretation. Charles Dub has quite a substantial plan for the site, starting with the refit happening now so it will be interesting to see. If you haven't been by lately, it's worth a look to see what's happening.
I know there is neighbourhood discussion about squatters etc, I'm sort of on the "back" side so have never really seen much sight of that. But I do have to say that if there were likely places for feelings, emotions, or spirits or some combination to congregate and be concentrated it would be a hospital.
I was born at the Charles camsel does anyone know what ward labour and delivery was on like
What floor
went past the old hospital a few weeks ago, it looks like they are making it into an apartment complex there is new siding and windows on the building...
You would think they would tear it down first...
The stories the residents will have...
There were many horrible things that happened in there !! I had surgery in there all I heard moaning n screaming that was about 1990 ish / I was lessening to the radio one day driving they were talkin about this place they had native people talking about it many years ago it was classified as a native hospital they were doin surgery there without anything for pain!!! They were treated so horrible the pain they went through omg the people that talked were very detailed I was in tears when the program was over but this does explain many things !!!
Two of my friend's and I went there about a year ago, we jumped the fence and walked through the basement, it was like a scary tunnel then looked at all the graffiti then went into each door of each floor and most floors were wide open nothing much there just empty scary looking bathtubs. We saw the elevator and a staircase that broke. Weirdest thing was how beautiful the view from the top was as well as in the very, very top floor it's a atic and there was I swear 20+ pigeons in this unopened closed room door, scared the shit outta me and I almost fell off the ladder then we left and ran to the vechile because of phones died because we needed light
CCH was involved with the Sixties Scoop - I was one of those scooped. This recently came to my attention and wondering if others have similar stories they might share.
My adoptive mother explained that I was a colicky kid for my biological mother but didn't fuss with her (adoptive). Had no reason to doubt her story but now as I've discovered some of CCH's rather silent, murky history I wonder what else will turn up. Both of my mothers have passed so leaves myself piecing together a puzzle.
CCH was also involved with experiments on indigenous individuals (search CCH in conjunction with your 'keywords')
This building has a story to share & lift the veil on its History.
I was born there is 1974 on Halloween night. I then moved and grew up in the small town of Athens, Ohio US which has a long and documented history of paranormal activity. I just learned tonight about the haunted history of my birth hospital. My fascination with the paranormal just really made sense.... let's see how well I sleep tonight! Thanks for the post!
Yes please
If you go by the Camsell now, they've done a substantial amount of work to the exterior. It doesn't look creepy at all anymore. I also noticed a difference in the feel the building gave. Back in 2015, I rode my bike into the grassy area next to the fencing, where its parking lot used to be. After just a couple of minutes of sitting on my bike in that former parking lot, I got a really uneasy feeling; I remember it clearly because that's the only paranormal experience I can remember ever having. When I walked by it a couple of weeks ago, though, I looked at it for some time, with its refurbished exterior, and all that. It felt like it had new life breathed into it. I would think the spirits that reside there are more at peace, maybe because of the recent documentations they've done of the Camsell, and focusing on its history. I think, while it will forever be associated with its days as a hospital, it can move on, and be a very decent residential building.
I was born in 1953 and was familiar with the hospital before this one. It was across the street from St. Andrews which my family attended. My brother and I often played in the old abandoned site. I witnessed them tear it down and then they built the one we are talking about now. Never found it scary at all. We often used this hospital when it was at its prime.
I had family in the older hospital for TB. It was filled with good memory's for me...simply because we were close to family there. I often sat in class and watched my people get off the bus to attend both hospitals. However, I did hear some stories of bad treatment. It was not until now that I realized the atrocities that have happened there,.
I was born in 1953 and was familiar with the hospital before this one. It was across the street from St. Andrews which my family attended. My brother and I often played in the old abandoned site. I witnessed them tear it down and then they built the one we are talking about now. Never found it scary at all. We often used this hospital when it was at its prime.
I had family in the older hospital for TB. It was filled with good memory's for me...simply because we were close to family there. I often sat in class and watched my people get off the bus to attend both hospitals. However, I did hear some stories of bad treatment. It was not until now that I realized the atrocities that have happened there,.
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