Well, if Alberta doesn't get your attention one way, we'll get it another. Alberta has been under fire for a while now for at least a couple news worthy issues...(Not for our shitty sports teams either.) We've gained media attention, and attention of a few celebrity spokes people as well.
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The Price is Definatelly Wrong! |
If you listen to Bob Barker, he'll tell you that "The Price is Wrong, Bitch!" (If you've seen Happy Gilmore, you need no further explanation.) Mr Price is Right is an animal activist. Nothing wrong with that, I admire that really... "Don't forget to have your pets spayed or neutered." Bob Barker has the perfect name for an animal activist too. Bob Bark-er... OK, I'm the only one that found that mildly amusing... My bad. At any rate, I love animals, I've volunteered at the SPCA more than once and I can get behind being an activist... I get choked up when I see those ads on TV asking you for money to save the abused and abandoned animals. It honestly does break my heart, and I wish I could afford to adopt them all... Instant Scary Cat Lady style... But I can't.
However, maybe Bob needs to shut it and talk what he knows. Edmonton's City Valley Zoo has come under fire a while back about Lucy the Elephant. Seems as though Bob is Lucy's biggest advocate, as he's written letters, called the Mayor, done interviews with the press and so on. The controversy surrounding Lucy the Elephant is regarding a move to a different zoo/sanctuary down in the States, where it's a little warmer and has more elephants to keep Lucy company.... I think Mr Bark has forgotten how old Lucy is. The stress of the move alone is enough that it may cause her death. While I don't like the idea of caged animals, and haven't visited a zoo in 20 years or so, the thought of a stressed animal's preventable death saddens me. Why put the poor girl through that? Why not let her live out the rest of her days where she knows and where she is known? Sorry Bob, I share your compassion for animals... But I think your wrong on this one...
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Ed Stelmach |
While Alberta may be too cold for Bob Barker, it certainly isn't for a Canadian boy like James Cameron. You all know Cameron, he directed Terminator, Titanic and Avatar. (If I seriously need to list any other movie because you don't know who he is, crawl back under your rock.) This Hollywood Activist is here regarding the Alberta's Tar/Oil Sands. I saw him on the news last night, in a helicopter taking a tour of Athabasca's Oil sands. Today's copy of Edmonton's Metro, there's a picture of Mr Cameron at Syncrude in Fort McMurray. In light of the BP oil spill this summer, constant pollution of cars, the rape and pillage of our Earth's fossil fuels, I agree there is a need new Enviro-friendly solutions. It just seems a little hypo-critical of Mr Cameron to be wheeling around in big old jet airliners and choppers that are fuelled by the very thing that he's here to bring to light. Premier Stelmach, Hellberta's leader, has made it a point to meet with Cameron regarding Athabasca. (Suspicious, what are you really doing Ed? Making sure James doesn't make Alberta look bad in a possible documentary? James really more important than the people of the province that voted you into power? One non-vote for Ed Stelmach please... You can't listen to me or the average Joe out there? You don't need my vote. Sayonara sucker.)
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