Wednesday 29 September 2010

Who Knew Blogs Could Be So Complicated!!!

Well, after blogging for about a month.... I was excited to have people actually reading what I had to say! I kept track of the Stats and would get excited as the numbers, slowly but surely, went up! I was bummed though, that no one was leaving any comments... I'm not picky... They could've been anything from the good- "Hey good writing! Totally agree with you!"... To the bad - "Hey!!!! You're so wrong! Who do you think you are?"........ To the plain old whatever - "Hey! Glad to know I'm not the only one thinking that!" A couple of friends said they tried to post a comment and it wouldn't let them... Huh, go figure... At any rate, it's a challenge to find new things to write about as well... Stuff that won't offend, or that is at least thought provoking or interesting at least... If ever you have an idea that you'd like to see ranted about... Let me know!

Well, I found out today that no comments could've been because of the settings in place here on I've now adjusted these settings in hopes that someone will comment... Not looking for attention, but any and all - good, bad or ugly - feedback is appreciate.

I also realized today that some of those stats, I crept up... Not because I was self involved, but because I wanted to get a shot of what the public could see... And it was easier for me to proof this way... So while I am still excited to see the number of reads go up, the early stats have been tainted =0( Dang. Oh well, c'est la view I guess. (I know it's c'est la vie, just thought it'd be funny...)

So feel free, keep reading and comment away. If you notice that your comment didn't take... Please do email me at , in the subject line "Blog Comment" so I don't think it's some random spam action. I'm also open to suggestions about future posts you may want to read. Please do feel free to email any suggestions, of any sort, to me =0)

Thanks for reading, I hope you come back often =0) It's not always about me!!!!

1 comment:

MzV33 said...

I have see that you slowly moved your way into Gmail! is this going to be your blog account or is this a anything email?

Gmail is so amazing, i can never go back to hotmail!