Saturday 18 September 2010

It's Only A Word/Phrase: Don't Get All "Politically Correct"!

I realize that one of the best things about this Country is our freedom of speech. Everyone has the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want... Sticks and stones, right? These days, it seems as though we are too "Politically Correct" and for the most part, I agree. Why do we have to categorize everyone, can't we just say - "That guy over there." instead of "That old guy over there" or "That white/black/Asian etc guy over there"? And then be thought of as ignorant because you didn't say "That elderly guy" or "The Caucasian/African Canadian guy"?

While this may have nothing to do with being Politically Correct, there are a few words or phrases that do aggravate me. Firstly, are you on crack?/This things on crack etc. Most people wouldn't know what a person on crack looks like. Yeah, they might have an idea because they've watched A&E's "Intervention", or similar shows, but even then, it's a minor idea of the reality. Most think nothing of it while the words fly from their mouths. It's "just an expression". Most think the crack head is worthless and it's their own fault they're in the position they're in... If the cracker doesn't like it, maybe they shouldn't have started in the first place and they should "just quit". The reality is, the crack head's story is one of the saddest. They start off relatively normal, for whatever reason they pick up the crack pipe, if they're gripped by the disgusting drug, it becomes their life. They'll wind up losing jobs, relationships with family, friends and significant others, they lose their possessions and place to live. They start losing weight and looking sickly because the drug will stifle their hunger for food and when on the drug, their worry lies with the next fix rather than food anyway. After that, it becomes even scarier. If they are lucky, they'll wind up in rehab or jail... If not, they may wind up having the crap beat out've them or worse. I won't divulge how I know this, I'm not a crack head, just know I know what I'm speaking of.

Another one, that I was guilty of myself, but have since weeded out of my vocab, is the word Retarded. Same thing as the crack comment - Are you retarded? Well, that's retarded... ETC. People who are slow, mentally or physically, or are disabled hear it all the time as a cut down. Not cool, a lot of these people are born the way they are. They had no choice in the matter, that's the hand they were dealt. Just because they are a little slower than the average bear, doesn't mean that they aren't capable of being a productive member of society. In fact, they have to work a little harder, but they're still willing to try just the same.

There are a few more words that bother me, but they are more filthy than the two previous examples... For this reason, I won't put them out there... I'm sure you can guess what they are, because at least one of them 99% of people I know, haaaaaaaaaaaate the word.

Political Correctness drives me nuts... But sometimes it can come in handy. A word is just a word and maybe I should just "lighten up." Remember that the next time you hear a word or phrase that makes you cringe. Keep in mind, there have been words in the past that were "just Politcally Correct words" and now, those words will get you beat.

It's not always about me. You still have your freedom of speech... Use it for good, not evil!

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